11-19-2007, 11:50 AM
How to get started with crafting
Searching around some Cabal fan-sites i found this, and i thought some of u might find it useful
it`s written by Ninjitsuoka and it is posted on mmosite.com
i`ve added a few things i figured out myself and here it is:
First off, you need to be Lvl 50 and get the warp card for Port Lux. U must complete "The book of Apocalypse part 3" quest for that.
At port lux you visit the core alchemist and recieve a transmuter.
I went for martial armor and started to explore how it works.
If you press the "C" button and switch to professional craft, you can see your items you can craft. If you click one part of armor, you see the requirements below in the box.
You start at the part of item with 0%. At port lux you buy lvl1 discs, which are also required to craft. On any other core alchemist you can buy lvl1 shape cartriges, but you have to look for the right zone, to get your needed ones. For those who don?t know it, every zone belongs to a class. Also you need at least one part of the desired armor.
You start with aramid or the equal class you have chosen. Below that it isn`t possible to craft or extract armor, weapons or items. You can also only craft items that belong to you class. But extracting is possible on all items, so you can share them with other classes.
The transmuter is an extracting/crafting engine. Any items equal to aramid can be used to get aramid cores, just for my example. With right click on the transmuter you see a claw that can extract cores or parts of them from items, which are stored in your inventory.
A new window pop up, where you have to grab them out.
You can get amounts of 1,2,4 or 10 pieces of aramid cores. This depends on luck and can?t be forced. Also on higher items you might get force core or upgrade core parts and also other kind of parts for crafting skills you might have choosen.
Farming those aramid armor or buying it from the shop if you have enough cash are the only ways to get it.
Now you have all parts to craft. You press the crafting button and there you go.
The armor you might get in my example, can be +0 to +3, slotted or not.
So there are 4 possible values on each item you caft. Also the item might fail to be crafted, then you lose all crafting parts.
The crafting skill for the specific item goes up by a little percentage, it depends on the quality of the item you got. +3 slotted items will grant you more, but they are ultra rare.
One side note, its fully randomized which item you might get.
The basic crafting skill also goes up a bit, but you need all crafting skills on all parts up to 100%, to reach 100% here too.
Once you made 100% at one crafting skill, you have to go through a test. You have to craft a specific quality item for the "item of proof", which is needed to get it. Check the item description on the proof item, cause it has to be exactly this one. A lot of patience is needed, cause you won?t pass this test at first try. With this item you go back to port lux and look after the core alchemist. You will recieve a license card for your crafting skill, which is used by right clicking on it. Now you are promoted to craft the same part on the higher item level, for my example it is bluestin. Do this procedure for any item you craft and you might be able to go for a full set of bluestin.
I totally made all skills for aramid up to 100% and reached also 100% at basic skills. With the proof formula card that you cna buy from the port lux core alchemist, you can raise now the basic craft level to level 2. After that you can only rasie the basic craft with formula cards you find or buy off npcs.
At the end i spent over 15m+ to reach this goal and many ppl were satiesfied with the exp skill+ armor 
I hope this guide enlightens some players to start off, but you are welcomed to ask any questions you want. One last note:
For guild it might be useful to have players who select specific craft abilites to work hand in hand wth other members. Parts you might not need, can help others out on their crafting ability. For sure those parts are tradeable too.