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UltimaRaiden 11-19-2007 12:26 AM

blader and his magic O_o
I heard some things abut that u can set all magic skills set into sword skills and that u wont have to worry abut magic but ive seen high lvl bladers use magic!Now i wuld like to know does a blader need his magic skills or not?if they do then tell me the purpose of that!y do we need the magic skills?
I dont need some high lvl force archer to answer but only a high lvl blader! ONLY HIGH LVL BLADER no1 else can answer this!
ty for doing business with Raiden trade!

Voodo 11-19-2007 07:26 PM

MAgick skills
Yah Mate u will need to lvl up ur Magick rank.To earn Extra Points (Magick rank gived u points on Int. and Dex.) also will add u more HP :D